It’s a been a day full of ridiculous, unbelievable quotes from Kim Kardashian, but her latest may be the most mind-blowing yet. First, Kim claimed that she works hard , and if that makes you feel like you’re in The Twilight Zone or stuck at an AA meeting hosted by Lindsay Lohan, don’t worry – we’re all confused. 19 Worst Kim Kardashian Photos! 1. Kim Kardashian Krying Kim gets her ugly cry on. It’s definitely not her best look. After that, the world became an even more baffling place when Kim claimed Kylie Jenner’s lips are real . Hopefully, the world’s foremost eye doctors are currently rushing to Kim’s aid, because she’s clearly gone freakin’ blind over night. So yeah, Kim spent the early part of today giving new meaning to the phrase “utter BS,” and you might think after all that, she would just sit back and take pride in her achievement. But no, the delusions are still coming: Speaking at a tech conference (?), Kim opened up about her love of Instagram (of course) and claimed that she’s semi-retiring from the art form that helped make her famous (no, not porn): “It’s intimate,” Kim said of IG. “It has a little bit more texture than just words. In the same setting, I’m trying not to do more than three selfies.” There are two important things about this quote: With all her talk of “intimate texture,” it’s nice to see Kim’s finally gone full Kanye in terms of artsy douche-speak. Note that Kim snuck in that she’s only doing three selfies “in the same setting.” That’s like Lindsay saying she’ll only have three drinks a day at the same bar. But hey, we won’t deny that the woman’s an expert. Yes, if anyone knows about getting intimate online, it’s Kim. Because Kim made a sex tape with Ray J , is what we’re saying. Kim Kardashian Instagram Photos 1. Kim Kardashian Cleavage Picture This is a photo of Kim Kardashian’s cleavage. Not that we needed to tell you that, of course. We’re sure you already knew.
Excerpt from:
Kim Kardashian: I’m Cutting Back on Selfies!