Kevin Hart Says Oscars Ceremony Should Seat Black Guests Front Row Even though a good chunk of Black Hollywood is boycotting the Academy Awards this evening, host Chris Rock and Kevin Hart will definitely be in the building. True to form, Kev’s got jokes about the #OscarsSoWhite controversy… via MailOnline : As rehearsals for tomorrow night’s Oscars got underway at Los Angeles’ Dolby Theater Saturday night, a relaxed Kevin Hart strolled around the stage. Speaking to nobody in particular, he quipped: ‘Where am I sitting? I was about to say all the black people should be in the first row.’ Hart may have been joking, but the statement underlines the race row that looks set to dominate this year’s 88th Academy Awards. Academy voters, largely white, elderly men, have been accused of ‘whitewashing’ the ceremony after no minority actors were nominated in either main acting category for the second year running. Many black actors, including Concussion star Will Smith and wife Jada, have said they are boycotting the ceremony and have urged host Chris Rock to do the same. Well, it will be interesting to see how tonight pans out… Splash
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Kevin Hart Jokes That “All The Black People Should Sit In The Front Row” At The Super-White Oscars