getty images Oh Really? Senior U.S. Department Official Called Obama A “Kenyan Cream Puff” William C Bradford, director of the Department’s Office of Indian Energy, appointed by Trump, tweeted and deleted some pretty awful comments that are coming back to bite him on the azz. According to The Washington Pos t, he once described Barack Obama as a “Kenyan creampuff”, Mark Zuckerberg as an “arrogant, self-hating Jew” and climate scientists as “cultists” and “nuts”. He was going crazy on twitter with all types of race related slander. Who does that? His whole tweet about Obama in December 2016 read: “I think Obama was given his mission in Tehran long ago, and it suits him just fine. How else can a Kenyan creampuff get ahead,” The Post called him out on his loose lips and he wrote them back, saying sorry. “As a minority and member of the Jewish faith, I sincerely apologise for my disrespectful and offensive comments. These comments are inexcusable and I do not stand by them. Now, as a public servant, I hold myself to a higher standard, and I will work every day to better the lives of all Americans.” Do ya’ll accept?
See the original post here:
Do Ya’ll Accept? Loose-Lipped Trump Appointee Apologizes For Calling Obama A “Kenyan Creampuff”