Source: Catherine Rickard / EyeEm / Getty I don’t know what’s going on in Connecticut, but four high schoolers in the area took a prank so far, I’m questioning their emotional and spiritual well-being. Two guys and two girls thought it would be “funny” if they brought some cupcakes to The Gilbert School made from their bodily fluids…. …we’ll let your imagination run wild. According to WFSB , all the cupcakes had the number 17 written on them, however cupcakes with a dash through the 7 had a special surprise in them. And when I say special surprise, I mean cue the “bodily fluids.” Former Gilbert High student Kelsey Owens spilled all the tea : “The kids they didn’t like got the ones with dashes through the seven so they knew those were the tainted ones.” One anonymous parent even said the four kids passed the cupcakes out as if they were doing it out of the kindness of their hearts. Dang. Talk about fake friends. The students little “prank” didn’t blow over well with the authorities. All four were arrested on charges of conspiracy to commit fourth-degree sexual assault and second-degree breach of peace. Eesh. “The case was presented to the prosecuting authorities (Juvenile Court) after an extensive forensic examination of the ‘cupcake’ and DNA comparisons of the suspect juveniles,” police said. Luckily, no staff or students became ill after eating the cupcakes. Despite all this, I’m surprised no one wanted to sue, take revenge or throw hands. The Gilbert School did however release a statement about the gross incident: “Nothing is more important to us at The Gilbert School than the safety and well-being of our students, and as such we are grateful for the support and responsiveness shown to us by the Winchester Police Department throughout this difficult situation. We continue to work cooperatively with the police, and any further questions regarding this case should be directed to them.” Such a tamed response. I wonder how the student victims feel?
Go here to read the rest:
Eew: Four Teens Face Charges For A ‘Prank’ That Involved Cupcakes & ‘Bodily Fluids’