HBCU Homecoming PSA: Never schedule your HC the same weekend as Howard Homecoming nor GHOE at NC A&T. You will lose most of your fans fam. But hey, at least you will know who your true fans are if they show. *sideeyes Hampton and SpelHouse* pic.twitter.com/JHaQKhcuLI — Brian Simpkins (@XIII_Mr_Undadog) October 21, 2018 Hampton, Howard & Spelhouse Share Homecoming Weekend Illustrious HBCU titans Hampton, Howard AND SpelHouse are celebrating Homecomings THE SAME DAMN WEEKEND (AGAIN) in a stressful scheduling blunder that’s making everyone pick between three of the greatest Homecomings on Earth. *Sigh* it’s cool, though, because you win with whatever weekend move to Hampton, Virginia, D.C. or ATL you choose. Happy homecoming Spelhouse! #SpelhouseHomecoming pic.twitter.com/S4jMqeTtve — TurntTigers (@MC_TurntTigers) October 22, 2018 Peep the Twitter chitter-chatter over Hampton, Howard and SpelHouse’s Homecoming weekend.
Read this article:
‘Hey Big Head’ SZN: Hampton, Howard AND SpelHouse Are Celebrating Homecomings This Weekend