No Vag, No Opinion: Preggo Pretty Gal Shay Mitchell Makes BD Wear 30-Pound Baby Belly To Teach Him A Lesson [Video]

Source: Allen Berezovsky / Getty Shay Mitchell Shows Matte Babel What Pregnancy Weight Feels Like Matte Babel , father to model Shay Mitchell’ s baking seed, has A LOT of strong opinions about how she should be taking care of their coming newborn (as he should). But, Shay is sticking to her guns on certain things since she’s the one carrying the tot in her latest vlog. For example, Matte thinks Shay should give birth without any pain medication and he thinks their baby would be fine drinking formula. Shay is not here for any of that. Towards the end of the video, Shay makes Matte walk in her pregnant shoes — almost, literally. She makes his wear a fake pregnant belly that weighs 30 pounds while they go for a hike. After just a short while, Matte has had enough. You think he’ll hear her out now about taking an epidural? Shay & Matte’s latest vlog is cute peek into their coupledom. Hit play to see it.

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No Vag, No Opinion: Preggo Pretty Gal Shay Mitchell Makes BD Wear 30-Pound Baby Belly To Teach Him A Lesson [Video]

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