‘Jersey Shore’ Cast Schools Barbara Walters On ‘Smushing’

The party-lovin’ crew brings the news anchor into their world in “10 Most Fascinating People of 2010” special. By Mawuse Ziegbe Snooki and the Situation on ABC’s “10 Most Fascinating People of 2010” special on Thursday Photo: ABC They were lampooned in late-night talk-show monologues, turned heads at awards shows and on red carpets, and inspired GTL-friendly Halloween costumes . There were few corners of pop culture the crew of MTV’s “Jersey Shore” didn’t reach in 2010, and that includes Barbara Walters’ “10 Most Fascinating People of 2010” list . In her introduction of the party-startin’ crew, Walters said she regretted missing out on sit-downs with luminaries such as Jackie Onassis and Greta Garbo, but quipped that she’s beefing up her storied resum

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