Australian mother of three Maha Al Musa, 51, still breastfeeds her 5-year-old daughter, and vows to keep at it until age 10 if that’s the child’s wish. The circumstances may sound extreme, but her reasoning is familiar and simple. “I believe it helps boost her immune system. To this day, she is very rarely ill and her temperament is calmer and more relaxed than the other children,” Al Musa says. Whatever you think of her decision, the story has gone viral and sparked debate. The Australian belly dancer practices extended breastfeeding, much like Jamie Lynne Grumet, the 26-year-old L.A. mom who covered Time last year. The now-infamous Time breastefeeding cover featured four-year-old suckling from her bare breast, with Gurmet similarly saying she had no plans to stop. As her daughter celebrates her fifth birthday this month, Al Musa, from New South Wales, says she simply could not care less what her critics think. Maha weaned her two previous children, Kailash, 16, and Tariq, 13, off of breast milk at age two. In this case, however, she says there’s no end in sight. What do you think of breastfeeding kids at age five: Right or wrong? Right! Whatever works for you is okay! Wrong. Definitely too much of a good thing. View Poll »
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Mom Still Breastfeeding Daughter at Age 5, May Go Until 10: Right or Wrong?