Category Archives: Cheryl Tweedy

Cheryl Fernandez-Versini Has A New Last Name And It’s Not Mine!

I didn’t recognize the name at first, but I’d recognize this perfect body anywhere: here’s one of my original favorite hotties  Cheryl Fernandez-Versini , aka the former Cheryl Cole, aka the former Cheryl Tweedy, at some music awards show in London. Anyway, I guess she got married again, but one of these days she’s going to have to just pick a name and stick to it. Speaking of which, I’ve always thought Cheryl Tuna has a nice ring to it, don’t you? Photos: Continue reading

Cheryl Cole’s Hotness Returns!

It’s been a while since we’ve seen her, but here’s one of my first loves Cheryl Tweedy looking hot as ever at what I’m told is the launch of her new perfume. And if it smells anywhere near as good as she looks here, I should buy a whole case. Let’s just say my place could use an upgrade from it’s current scent: “Eau de week old pizza.” Anyway, during my “research” for this post, I found out that Cheryl just got married again to some French dude this month, which is pretty devastating considering she’s the original future ex-Mrs. Tuna. Oh well. I guess if I’ve already waited this long, what’s another few months, right? » view all 21 photos Photos: Continue reading

Cheryl Tweedy’s Leggy Hotness Brings Me Back

Any of you perverts who’ve been with me since the beginning know that Cheryl Tweedy is the original future ex-Mrs. Tuna. And even though I’ve had too many more to keep track of since then, she’ll always have a special place in my heart, or pants or whatever. So here she is walking the red carpet for the latest season of The X Factor and bringing me right back to the good old days when she’d put on a great leg show like this, and I’d pretend she was actually aware of my existence. It’s nice to know some things never change, huh? » view all 37 photos Photos: Continue reading