Category Archives: GiGi Hadid

Gigi And Bella Hadid Are Hard At Work Shopping

Here’s the hardest-working sisters in show business Gigi and Bella Hadid  putting in the hours in Paris shopping with the paps. And I know some of you are going to try to say that walking around looking bored while assistants show them clothes doesn’t technically qualify as “work,” but clearly you don’t know anything about the fashion world. This is serious business. » view all 11 photos Photos: Continue reading

Gigi Hadid Nude Instagram Model

Before you send me emails about what a fat, dumb loser I am, yes, I’m aware this is an older photoshoot of Gigi Hadid . I can tell because she’s still chubby, before her parents paid someone to get her into supermodel shape. But I’ve never seen it before so it’s new to me, and I’m posting it because I think it’s hands-down Gigi’s best work to date. So enjoy. I guess she does have some talent after all. Who knew? Continue reading

Insta Model Gigi Hadid Is Hard At Work Being A Beard?

Here’s the hardest-working model in the business Gigi Hadid on the clock at her latest gig: being the arm candy for non-threatening tween sex symbol Joe Jonas in Paris. So let’s see, first it was that Cody Simpson douche and now this loser? With all that work Gigi’s been doing walking around New York for the paps , I guess I didn’t realize she’d also become a beard-for-hire, but I guess in this economy, a lot of people are forced to take on second jobs to make ends meet. Hmm. I wonder what Gigi’s rates are, and if she accepts expired Burger King coupons as payment… Fingers crossed! » view all 11 photos Photos: Continue reading

Models At The 2015 MTV Video Music Awards

Here’s Lily Aldridge, Karlie Kloss, Martha Hunt, Cara Delevingne, Stella Maxwell, Emily Ratajkowski and Gigi Hadid at the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards . I know Gigi and Cara are pretty much socialite Instagram models, but I’m too lazy to do another post simply on Instagram stars who attended, so I figured I’d just lump them in. I’m sure if they’re reading this, they’d be happy. » view all 16 photos           Photos: Continue reading

Gigi Hadid’s Sweet Side Boob Action

In case any of you were wondering why I’ve started calling Gigi Hadid one of my new favorite models, this is why: because here’s the sexy supermodel at amfAR’s Cinema Against AIDS Gala at Cannes dropping some serious cleavage and looking pretty much perfect. And best of all? I just read she broke up with that Cody Simpson douche . Now, unfortunately, Gigi didn’t have a wardrobe malfunction and/or hold a press conference announcing her intentions to start dating only pasty bloggers from now on, but hey, 2 out of 4 ain’t bad. Enjoy. » view all 12 photos Photos: , PacificCoastNews Continue reading

Gigi Hadid’s Sweet Side Boob Action

In case any of you were wondering why I’ve started calling Gigi Hadid one of my new favorite models, this is why: because here’s the sexy supermodel at amfAR’s Cinema Against AIDS Gala at Cannes dropping some serious cleavage and looking pretty much perfect. And best of all? I just read she broke up with that Cody Simpson douche . Now, unfortunately, Gigi didn’t have a wardrobe malfunction and/or hold a press conference announcing her intentions to start dating only pasty bloggers from now on, but hey, 2 out of 4 ain’t bad. Enjoy. » view all 12 photos Photos: , PacificCoastNews Continue reading

Taylor Swift And Gigi Hadid’s Booties Make A Great Pair!

Because Taylor Swift always seems to have the hottest friends, here’s my favorite pop star going for a hike with one of my new favorite models Gigi Hadid and putting on one awesome leg show in the process. And I know that Taylor’s friends with hot models and hot pop stars and hot actresses, but I’m wondering if she’s got any room for a pasty perverted blogger in her circle of friends. Every group needs one! And I’ve got so much to offer: a great basement for sleepovers and pillow fights, I give good back rubs, and I’m a pro at braiding hair. OK, maybe not that last one, but hey, I’m willing to learn. » view all 13 photos Photos: Continue reading

Taylor Swift And Gigi Hadid’s Booties Make A Great Pair!

Because Taylor Swift always seems to have the hottest friends, here’s my favorite pop star going for a hike with one of my new favorite models Gigi Hadid and putting on one awesome leg show in the process. And I know that Taylor’s friends with hot models and hot pop stars and hot actresses, but I’m wondering if she’s got any room for a pasty perverted blogger in her circle of friends. Every group needs one! And I’ve got so much to offer: a great basement for sleepovers and pillow fights, I give good back rubs, and I’m a pro at braiding hair. OK, maybe not that last one, but hey, I’m willing to learn. » view all 13 photos Photos: Continue reading

Gigi Hadid And Rachel Hilbert Disappoint Me

As much as I think Gigi Hadid and Rachel Hilbert are hot as f#%k, I think I may have to ban them from Hollywood Tuna because here they are hanging out with douche Cody Simpson. What’s even more shocking, I believe Gigi is even dating him. Worst career move ever! Anyway, here they are at Victoria Secret’s The Ultimate Spring Break Bash and I can’t even enjoy them in their bikinis because I’m so disappointed. » view all 18 photos           Photos: , PacificCoastNews Continue reading

Gigi Hadid Bikini Pictures

I know I said earlier I would ban Gigi Hadid from the site for dating that douche Cody Simpson, but that was before I saw these candids of her in a bikini at the beach. I’m not a huge fan of this style because it leaves the worst tan lines, but Gigi is a hot enough to pull it off. On another note, who dates anyone with the name Cody? » view all 11 photos           Photos: PacificCoastNews Continue reading