Category Archives: Madison Beer

Madison Beer Does Vogue Germany

According to my sources, these shots of Madison Beer wearing nothing but a bathrobe were taken for Vogue Germany , and not as part of some kind of special surprise present for her favorite blogger. But I guess it doesn’t really matter. Because either way, I plan on celebrating by locking myself in this Starbucks bathroom for 30-45 seconds. Enjoy! Continue reading

Madison Beer Does Vogue Germany

According to my sources, these shots of Madison Beer wearing nothing but a bathrobe were taken for Vogue Germany , and not as part of some kind of special surprise present for her favorite blogger. But I guess it doesn’t really matter. Because either way, I plan on celebrating by locking myself in this Starbucks bathroom for 30-45 seconds. Enjoy! Continue reading

Madison Beer Tongue Play

Good news, my fellow perverts  loyal readers: turns out Madison Beer turned 18 a few weeks back, which means she’s not big trouble anymore. And more importantly, that you can start following her on Snapchat without worrying about the cops showing up. And trust me, with updates like this, you’re not going to want to miss another day. Enjoy.             Continue reading

Madison Beer Is 17 And Has Bad Parents

I know I’m probably the least-qualified person alive to be giving anyone parenting advice, but I was looking at these pictures of Madison Beer  at the beach, and I honestly don’t understand who lets their 17-year-old daughter wear a bikini like this. (That’s right perverts, Madison’s still 17 for another few months.) Or who lets their daughter do a fake “candid” beach photoshoot with the paps before she turns 18. Won’t somebody think of the children my readers? I don’t want any of you perverts getting in trouble here. #FOTO Madison en la playa de Miami. (29/12/16) @madisonbeer #madisonbeer A photo posted by Madison Beer Spain (@spainmadisonbeer) on Dec 30, 2016 at 4:42am PST Finally we get candids again – #madisonbeer #jackgilinsky #jadison A photo posted by @hott_selena on Dec 30, 2016 at 4:10am PST Madison at the beach in Miami yesterday! #madisonbeer @madisonbeer A photo posted by Updates of Madison Beer . (@everythingmadison_) on Dec 30, 2016 at 4:43am PST THAT SMILE KILLS MEEEEE — — @madisonbeer @madisonbeer @jackgilinsky @jackgilinsky @traciebeer @jackj #madisonbeer #jackgilinsky #jackjohnson #jackandjack @jackgilinsky @jackgilinsky @jackgilinsky @jackgilinsky @madisonbeer @madisonbeer A photo posted by – jess ☽ 2.4k unicorns Continue reading

Madison Beer Is Officially The Next Bella Thorne

After three straight days of bikini pictures from teenage troublemaker Madison Beer this week, I’m ready to call it: this chick is the next Bella Thorne . And by that I mean, she’s capable of getting you perverts locked up if you’re not careful. And no, saying you’re a big fan of her music won’t help. It’ll just make it worse. No one’s a fan of this girl’s music, except maybe her parents and her managers. So let’s all just move it along before one of us gets in trouble. Namely me. Next! » view all 12 photos Photos: PacificCoastNews Continue reading

Madison Beer Is Still Trouble In A Bikini

Unlike Victoria’s Secret model Vita Sidorkina , who looks like trouble even though she’s 21, Madison Beer has the opposite problem. But since I doubt that excuse will hold up in court, and I don’t feel like testing it, I suggest we all just move it along and ignore this teenage troublemaker for now, no matter how many beach trips she takes. Photos: PacificCoastNews Continue reading

Madison Beer Is Big Trouble

With a name like Madison Beer , I always have trouble remembering that she’s still underage. But trust me, you’re going to want to keep it moving past these shots of the latest troublemaking pop star. Because forget beer, if she can’t even buy cigarettes without getting in trouble, you definitely can’t look at these pictures. Move it along, perverts. » view all 13 photos Photos: Continue reading

Madison Beer Is Serious Trouble… Look Away!

I’m pretty sure I’ve warned you perverts about Madison Beer before, but just in case, here’s another reminder that the pop star is only 16. Which makes her big trouble for the next few years. And actually, you might even want to wait until she hits legal drinking age, just to be safe. Either way, let’s move it along for now. Photos: Continue reading