Category Archives: Sophie Simmons

Sophie Simmons Is Working Social Media In Her Bra And Panties

I know sometimes I like to rag on  Sophie Simmons , and point out that she’s really only C-list “famous” because her dad is Gene Simmons. But then I remember that things like the fact that long tongues probably run in the family and I run a website that could help her wannabe modeling career, and you know, maybe I was wrong about all of that… Because after these latest shots, I think Sophie’s definitely got a promising future. Or at least, I’d be willing to see what me and the Little Tuna could do to help out. Call me! Continue reading

HA! Sophie Simmons Is Now A “Model”

So you know how every rich kid with famous parents basically gets a blank check to do whatever they want? Well, turns out Sophie Simmons (AKA Gene’s busty daughter) has decided she’s a “real” “model” now, and I just came across her modeling portfolio . And I will say this for Sophie: she’s definitely a lot more talented in the front meat department than the Hadids or the Jenners. Anyway, on a related note, I’ve decided I’m going to start calling myself an “award-winning journalist” from now on. » view all 12 photos Continue reading

Sophie Simmons Squishes In Little Lingerie

I knew that Sophie Simmons was trying to make the move from celebrity daughter to just “celebrity,” but I never realized that she wanted to become a lingerie model until now. Anyway, I’d point out that being Gene Simmons’ daughter doesn’t automatically qualify you to be a professional hottie, but hey, who am I to get in the way of someone’s dreams to take their clothes off for money? Enjoy. Continue reading

Sophie Simmons’ Cleavage Show

I’m pretty sure nobody cares about the Grammys anymore, but I’m still glad Rolling Stone and Google Play held their own pre-Grammy party. Because it made a great excuse for Sophie Simmons , aka Gene Simmons’ hot daughter, to show off her serious talents. Anyway, I don’t think Sophie’s up for any awards Sunday night, unless they finally took my suggestion and added Bustiest Rock Star Daughter as a category. Because if they want people to pay attention, they’re going to need a whole lot more where this came from. Photos: Continue reading

Sophie Simmons Is Busting Out On The Street

I’ve done a few posts on Sophie Simmons before — aka Gene Simmons’ hot daughter, in case any of you out there have an even worse memory than I do. But I didn’t realize she was considered enough of a “celebrity” for the paps to follow her around in LA. I’m glad they did though, because after these shots, I’m thinking Sophie’s also big enough to earn a patented Tuna marriage proposal. I’ve always wanted to marry into rock royalty a girl with giant funbags. Here’s hoping she says yes! Photos: Continue reading