Tag Archives: after-the-said

HTC Incredible Set Release for Verizon

HTC Incredible Set Release for Verizon – The Verizon has officially announced the release of the Nexus One for this year, and some speculations are spreading over the internet about the Apple jumping ship and switch to Verizon and in fact, a twitter post came and said that the HTC Incredible is imminent on the Verizon network now. If you are exited for the release of Nexus One, the Verizon said that it will going to be released in the market anytime from now. AT & T will be the official network provider since the Verizon will be planning to rule this one soon in the market. Now, the issue about the HTC Incredible Set Releas for Verizon Nexus One has not been confirmed yet. People now are ever wondering, whats all about this HTC Incredible release and how it will lay down the feature for a new smart-phone now. Some are tagging that this new label will be a real iPhone destroyer. Please standby here for the latest updates and feeds about the HTC Incredible Set Release soon for the Verizon Nexus One. Find it out in a couple of days from now, how the Verizon Nexus One will rock the techy market after the said launching date. HTC Incredible Set Release for Verizon is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Who is Ricky Martin’s Boyfriend?

Yesterday, Ricky Martin released an official statement through his personal website announcing that he is gay. But, many people are wondering who Ricky Martin is dating with therefore asking who is his boyfriend. After the said announcement, there are rumors going around the web that certain online publications will uncover Martin’s boyfriend. Since Ricky Martin already went out of the closet, I think he should share the info. Just my two cents. Who is Ricky Martin’s Boyfriend? is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading