Tag Archives: another-hoping

Reach One, Teach One: Q-Tip Schools Iggy Azalea And Gives Her A Real Hip-Hop History Lesson On Twitter!

Why didn’t TIP give Iggy this lesson ?? Q-Tip Teaches Iggy Azalea On The Importance Of Hip Hop Culture Via Vibe reports: Iggy Azalea never seems to understand what Azealia Banks ’ problem with her is, and Banks doesn’t seem to be able to get through to her. After their most recent Twitter exchange, Q-Tip has decided to step in with a constructive assist. After referring to Banks as “a very smart, talented and blessed black woman” following her emotional comments about cultural appropriation and the “scrubbing” of black musicians’ art, Q-Tip turned his attention to Iggy Azalea . In a lengthy history lesson in the socio-political origins of hip-hop and how they remain relevant today, the Tribe Called Quest MC broke things down to the Aussie rapper directly. Being sure to clarify “that this is not a chastisement this is not admonishment at ALL this is just one artist reaching to another hoping to spark insight,” Q-Tip’s Twitter session could serve as a crash course in hip-hop culture for just about anyone. Get into Q-Tip’s very important hip hop lesson below. Iggy, you gon’ learn today!!!! Hit the flip for more next… Continue reading