Tag Archives: astonishingly

Cecil Singleton on Kevin Clash Relationship: Dry Humping, Intense Kissing, NO Underage Sex

Kevin Clash, the embattled, former voice of Sesame Street’s beloved character Elmo, did not have sexual intercourse with his second accuser, Cecil Singleton. They did some other things, however. Clash resigned from Sesame Street today amid allegations from Singleton, who is suing him for $5 million and blaming him for causing lasting psychological and emotional damage. Singleton later held a media conference about the lawsuit, describing the allegations in detail: According to Singleton, his sexual relationship with Kevin Clash began when he was 15 and Clash was an adult … and initially lasted for two weeks. The duo picked things up again a while later, Singleton claims. Singleton claims that while they never had sexual intercourse, the two did engage in sexual activity including “groping, masturbation, intense kissing and dry-humping.” Singleton says they had sex years later, when he was an adult. Cecil says he broke off the initial relationship because he felt that Kevin Clash liked him too much, and Cecil didn’t think he could handle the relationship. Singleton’s claims come after Sheldon Stephens made similar accusations against Clash this month – ones he later recanted, but now wants to un-recant. Clash denies wrongdoing, though he admits he is gay and had a relationship with Stephens of a consensual nature; he hasn’t commented on Singleton. And so this surprising, scandalous story turns … [Photo: WENN.com]

Here is the original post:
Cecil Singleton on Kevin Clash Relationship: Dry Humping, Intense Kissing, NO Underage Sex

Kate Middleton Pregnant, Jessica Hay Says!

OMG. Jessica Hay says Kate Middleton is pregnant. Everybody stop the presses! Who is that and should we believe her? Jessica Hay is an a childhood acquaintance of Kate’s, and she spilled the beans to Australian tabloid New Idea. According to Jess and the mag, the Duchess is expecting! Like for real! “They’re planning to make an announcement in December. William and Kate are focused on starting a family ,” Hay says, corroborating Kate’s recent (supposed) weight gain. Hay says Kate Middleton’s pregnancy will be the first of two. No more. “It seems very traditional, but of course they’ll be happy with boys or two girls, they don’t want more. They’ve discussed it endlessly and don’t want to be older parents.” Jessica Hay has been a celebrity gossip staple for some time now. In 2010, she claimed Kate told her about her engagement before anyone else, and predicted that the wedding would be “sometime [in the] next year.”  Astonishingly, she was correct! The Royal Wedding WAS IN 2011! Her track record of cashing out Kate gossip to the media doesn’t end there, either … making one wonder how or why Kate would possibly tell her if she were pregnant. But, Hay, at least she didn’t leak any Kate Middleton bikini photos .

Excerpt from:
Kate Middleton Pregnant, Jessica Hay Says!

Obama’s Former Rev. Wright Gives Seminar Bashing Whites and Jews, Media Mum

President Obama’s former spiritual advisor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, gave a seminar at the University of Chicago last week in which he made numerous anti-Semitic remarks while once again attacking white people. According to the New York Post, during the five-day course that cost up to $1,000, Wright claimed “whites and Jews are controlling the flow of worldwide information and oppressing blacks in Israel and America.” “White folk done took this country,” Wright said. “You’re in their home, and they’re gonna let you know it.”  Despite the astonishingly racist comments during this week-long event, as well as his former connection to the current President of the United States, not one media outlet besides the Post reported what transpired at the Chicago Theological Seminary on the university campus. Not one! For those that can stand it, here are some more disgraceful things uttered by the man our President worshiped with for twenty years (h/t Weasel Zippers ): “You are not now, nor have you ever been, nor will you ever be a brother to white folk,” he said. “And if you do not realize that, you are in serious trouble.” He cited the writings of Bill Jones — author of the book “Is God a White Racist?” — as proof that white people cannot be trusted. “Bill said, ‘They just killed four of their own at Kent State. They’ll step on you like a cockroach and keep on movin’, cause you not a brother to them.’ ” Wright referred to Italians as “Mamma Luigi” and “pizzeria.” He said the educational system in America is designed by whites to miseducate blacks “not by benign neglect but by malignant intent.” He said Ethiopian Jews are despised by white Jews: “And now the Knesset [Israeli parliament] is meeting with European Jews, voting on whether or not these African Jews can get into [Israel].” The civil-rights movement, Wright said, was never about racial equality: “It was always about becoming white . . . to master what [they] do.” Martin Luther King, he said, was misguided for advocating nonviolence among his people, “born in the oven of America.” “We probably have more African-Americans who’ve been brainwashed than we have South Africans who’ve been brainwashed,” he said, and seemed to allude to President Obama twice: “Unfortunately, I got in trouble with a fella for saying this . . . All your commentaries are written by oppressors.” At the mention of Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan — whom Obama disavowed during the campaign — black leaders “go cuttin’ and duckin’,” he said. As media ignore the disgusting things this man says, they are complicit in separating him from the man he once advised spiritually. It’s as if Obama never sat in the pews of the Trinity Church and his Reverend never existed. 

Read the rest here:
Obama’s Former Rev. Wright Gives Seminar Bashing Whites and Jews, Media Mum