Tag Archives: carnegie

A Technical Look At Termite Mounts Foretells Changes in Africa’s Ecosystems

Photo by sheilaellen Despite their reputation as pests, termites are actually fascinating creatures particularly for their complex social structures. But that isn’t the only thing that hast attracted the attention of scientists lately. It seems that by watching where termites decide to build mounds, secrets to the ecological changes of Africa’s savanna are revealed. Researchers at the Carnegie Instution’s Department of Global Ecology mapped over 40,000 termite mounds across 192 square miles of savanna, and through their imaging and analysis of the mounds, they’ve found … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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A Technical Look At Termite Mounts Foretells Changes in Africa’s Ecosystems

Fans Go Gaga

Lady Gaga stopped to sign autographs for fans before entering Carnegie Hall to rehearse for the Rainforest Concert in New York City.

The rest is here:
Fans Go Gaga

This Is A Big F*cking Deal

Ha, that's how our Vice President introduced Obama for the health care bill's signing. Joe Biden, speaking truth to power. The Best Links: Different audio here. Watch

Iggy Pop’s Last Stage Dive

MUSIC BUZZ : Iggy Pop's Carnegie Hall audience parted ways to let him fall to the floor during a stage dive. But hey, at least Justin Beiber is singlehandedly keeping punk alive for the younger generation. The Best Links: Iggy Pop Turning Sensible at 62 Iggy Pop Reacts to Stage Diving Injuries Iggy Pop Quits Stage Diving NY Audience Lets Iggy Pop Crash to the Floor at Carnegie Hall The Stooges/Iggy and the Stooges on MySpace Read

The Death Calculator

Link: http://www.deathriskrankings.com/ Researchers at Carnegie Mellon have come up with a formula that calculates how and when you might die.

Read more:
The Death Calculator

Obama – The Elbow Room Society

“Obama” Music and Lyrics by: Will Reynolds Concept by: The Elbow Room Society Vocals: Sara Jean Ford, Will Reynolds, Drew Gehling, Kylee Rousselot, and Zachary Prince Performed as part of Built Ford Tough at the Metropolitan Room April 26, 2009 check out www.elbowroomsociety.com and www.willreynoldsonline.com … Barack Hussein Obama Elbow Room Society Sara Jean Ford will reynolds drew gehling kylee rousselot zachary prince Carnegie Mellon CMU Broadway Phantom of the Opera Wicked Fantasticks …


See the rest here:
Obama – The Elbow Room Society