Tag Archives: changing-out

It Looks Like Baddie Bey’s Bringing “Formation” To The Grammys

The Beyonce's #grammys dressing roon! Watch live on https://t.co/psgG6PVNRD pic.twitter.com/fNCaMvnv7z — Grammy Live (@GrammysLive) February 14, 2016 Beyonce May Be Performing At The Grammys The Grammys just let the cat out of the bag by posting a shot of Beyonce’s beautifully decorated dressing room. Why would Queen need a dressing room if she wasn’t changing out of whatever gorgeous gown and into something that says “ Bish I’m unapologetically black and I slay “? Will you be tuning in or nah? The 58th #GRAMMYs seating chart. pic.twitter.com/j4FxqMf0wZ — BEYONCÉ LEGION (@Bey_Legion) February 12, 2016 Continue reading