Tag Archives: from-the-gunmen

17-Year-Old Victim Died in Juarez, Mexico Shootout

A shootout on the streets of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, killed a 17-year-old boy together with seven people. The other victims were police officers, five were federal police officers and one was a female city police officer, all part of the joint police task force organized to combat drug violence in the town. Another federal police officer was gravely wounder and a city officer was wounded but far with the danger. A civilian was also injured but not seriously hurt. The incident started when the two patrol cars, stopped some people they have been investigating. The attacks came first from the gunmen from th etwo vehicles, carrying weapons including AK-47s. The federal police said that the gunmen, who escaped in a gray Dodge Durango and a green Dodgee Caravn may have been drug dealers and that the attacks may have been their response to the recent arrest in Juarez, which includes eight people apprehended Thusday for possession of firearms, drugs and a stolen van. 17-Year-Old Victim Died in Juarez, Mexico Shootout is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading