Tag Archives: gain-protection

Facebook Now Equipped with a Safety Center

Social Networking Giant Facebook has now equipped its website with a Safety Center. To be able to get into the Facebook Security Center, Simply Go to the safety tab. Facebook explained that having a safety center is for the users to gain protection from being harassed online if you’re a Facebook user.  It’s more of a number of pages that explains certain problematic scenarios on Facebook (If someone impersonates another person’s acocunt, Another person makes a death threat, If a user hacks into your account and takes over it, etc.) and how a user can resolve their problem by filing a complaint on Facebook. The pages further explain other privacy policies so that those can also serve as a social networking etiquette guide. So far Facebook has been making attempts to further secure millions of Facebook accounts despite problems in controlling the default ‘public’ privacy settings of all users. Facebook Now Equipped with a Safety Center is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading