Tag Archives: imminent

Goodbye Laptop? — 40% Would Swap To Tablet?

British poll from consumers coincides with the imminent release of the Apple iPad in the US, a device which is expected to revolutionise the tablet market. cheaper tablet PC, an independent survey has found that one in four people would swap their laptop. Although 40% of people questioned said they would give up their laptop for a tablet PC such as the iPad, nearly a quarter of those polled did not know what the iPad is designed to do. And 23% of people who were confused about the purpose of the iPad, 2% thought it was a mobile phone, 8% thought it was an iPod and 13% had no idea, according to the survey by Kelkoo UK. > > Read More Goodbye Laptop? — 40% Would Swap To Tablet? is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading