Tag Archives: improved-puzzle

Miegakure, An Improved Puzzle Game for PC, Mac and Consoles

A lot of peope are curious about Miegakure as of now but the game is still currently under develeopment. The main goal for this game is for it to be available for download on your consoles, PC or Mac. But what is Miegakure? It is a platform game where the fourth dimension to solve puzzles can be explored. Currently and in reality what we have is the width, depth, and height. I wonder how this game could come up with the fourth dimension. To make it simple, the game will be like a regular three-dimensional platformer, and at the press of a button one of the dimensions is exchanged with the fourth dimension, allowing for four-dimensional movement. Check out this photo for a glimpse of this game: Miegakure, An Improved Puzzle Game for PC, Mac and Consoles is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading