Tag Archives: krakow

Ash Cloud In Europe Might Delay Kaczynski’s Funeral

The Iceland volcano erruption has clouded Europe with ash and it had caused many cancelled flights as well.  This is a great inconvenience for all and very detrimental to health too. This can also cause the possible delay to the late plane crash victim Polish President Lech Kaczynski.  World dignitaries, such as United States President Barack Obama and dozens of other world leaders, are expected to attend the funeral at Wawel Cathedral, Krakow in the south of Poland this Sunday April 18. Krakow Airport is one of two airports in Poland which still open although ash cloud over Europe since yesterday. “If ash cloud over Europe would disrupt Kaczynski funeral and some attendant cancel it, then the options  can be considered,” Jacek Sasin stated, the Polish presidency official told RMF FM radio as reported by Reuters on Friday (16/4/2010 ). He said that the Polish government officials will hold a meeting to discuss the final decisions about the funeral. Ash cloud over Europe has forced thousands of flights on the continent and many major airports were closed, including Heathrow Airport in London, England. Ash Cloud In Europe Might Delay Kaczynski’s Funeral is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading