Tag Archives: landed-on-time

NASA Space Shuttle lands safely in Florida – video, path

After a 15-day mission and 238 orbits of Earth, NASA’s space shuttle Discovery has successfully landed in Florida’s Kennedy Space Center last April 20, 2010 at exactly 9:08:35am. The shuttle landed on time during the second scheduled opportunity landing in Kennedy Space Center which was 9:08am with deorbit time of 8:02am. The following astronauts were onboard Discovery: Commander Alan Poindexter Pilot James P. Dutton Jr. Mission Specialists: Rick Mastracchio Stephanie Wilson Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburger Naoko Yamazaki Clayton Anderson. Discovery traveled more than 6 million miles on the mission alone. Photo credits: NASA NASA Space Shuttle lands safely in Florida – video, path is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading