Tag Archives: lawyers-deny

In Wild And Crazy White Folks News: Lawyers Give Lindsay Blohan A ‘Ho Sit Down’ As She Tries To Switch Rehab Centers

Lawyers Deny Lindsay Lohan Request To Change Rehab Facilities Hot mess Hollyweird wild child Lindsay Lohan is going the extra mile to continue feeding her Adderall addiction while in rehab, but the prosecutors assigned to her case are giving her the ‘ho sit down’ treatment. via THG Having been cut off from Adderall and already talking about an escape from the Betty Ford Center, Lindsay Lohan’s pleas are falling upon deaf ears. Prosecutors are basically telling her to go kick rocks. Lohan had always said being allowed to take her precious Adderall was a deal breaker as far as treatment goes. No ADHD meds, no rehab for her. Betty Ford allows it, whereas some other places don’t. As a result, she chose Betty Ford … however their doctors have since concluded that she does not actually need the drug and have taken it away. The star has researched other rehab centers and found one on the west coast which she feels is suitable to complete her court-ordered 90-day stint. Lindsay Lohan feels Betty Ford is “too old school” and is not “sensitive to the problems of young people” … i.e. permitting them to abuse unneeded meds. Officials must approve any rehab venue change as a condition of her plea deal, however, and are not going to oblige the recalcitrant hot mess here. These prosecutors sound like just what this chick needs. A lower dosage of prescription meds and a huge dose of reality! Continue reading