Tag Archives: near-the-house

Oklahoma Wildfires

Hello all, So this isn’t entirely related to sustainable business, but I thought people might be interested. Oklahoma recently endured a rash of wildfires that burned a good deal of the state. Some of you may know that my parents own ten acres, and they are currently in the process of building a house/art studio on their property. There is no crew building this house, it’s just my parents, my fiance Jason, myself and my brother and sister. We’ve been putting in weekends consistently since last June. Building the foundation in 110 degree Oklahoma heat nearly killed us. So last Friday when I was called early in the a.m. and told that wildfires were in the region of my parents house, panic was my first thought. Jason and I dressed and ran out to the property. The damage was shocking, and the fact that it came very close to my parents house on all four sides was nothing short of a miracle. It did burn their water line though, so Jason and I stood on guard with shovels and buckets of sand putting out anything that flamed up and watching the smoldering ashes of their property while they went to town to get a new one. Here are some pictures of the damage: This used to be a box truck with an aluminum box on the back The aluminum actually melted right off. Above is a view from the roof of the house. The woods near the house. Above two are me and Jason on duty. Me in the ashes. Continue reading