Tag Archives: nothing-bitch

Ronda Rousey Predicts Her Defeat To Holly Holm

I’m sure most of you saw the fight this weekend and got to see Ronda exposed. I never liked this chick and found her to be a huge phony. Now that she has lost in devastating fashion, I believe she should retire and become a “ do nothing bitch “. It’s a much better life than eating knuckle sandwiches. Continue reading

More Selena Gomez’s Adidas Photoshoot

I may never understand what a pop star hottie like Selena Gomez is doing as the official spokesmodel for Adidas, but the way I see it, the more photoshoots like this that Selena does, the better. For us, at least. Because I don’t know if all these shots of Selena showing off her sexy stomach and legs in spandex are going to help sell more workout gear, but I bet Kleenex sales start going through the roof. Enjoy. » view all 20 photos Continue reading

Ronda Rousey Explains What A “Do Nothing B%tch” Is

What Ronda Rousey is saying makes complete sense and sounds good in theory, but if she was just a little bit prettier and had a model body, trust me she’d be a “Do Nothing Bitch” too. Why work when you can have someone pay for you all the time. Continue reading