Tag Archives: nothing-lower

#LHHH Drama: Brandi Goes Off On ‘Bad Mom’ Moniece For Calling Her Son ‘Ugly’—But Is Moniece Ready To Apologize???

Out…of…pocket… Brandi Boyd Responds To Moniece Slaughter’s “Ugly Son” Diss Remember when we showed you that shocking video of Moniece Slaughter going off about Brandi Boyd and sinking low enough to slander her son ??? Well Brandi is responding to Moniece’s diss and it ain’t pretty. According to the mom/fellow Love & Hip Hop Hollywood star , Moniece is “garbage” and the “lowest form of scum” for speaking ill of her baby boy. “You attack a family because it’s something you want but can’t have,” said Brandi. “There is nothing lower than attacking our beautiful son.” But is Moniece sorry for her actions??? Hit the flip for a possible response. Continue reading