Tag Archives: original-busty

Porn Star Kim Kardashian Is Nude, Gross And Overly Photoshopped!

I still don’t understand what you sickos see in this untalented porn star, but hey, if fat, annoying moms are one of your weird fetishes, who am I to judge, right? So here’s Kim Kardashian ‘s latest “artsy” photoshoot, with her wearing nothing but body paint in the desert, and even if you’re not a Kim fan, you have to at least appreciate how much hard work went into this. I bet some poor intern had to spend days Photoshopping these. Continue reading

Katie Price Is A Very Old Schoolgirl

Don’t get me wrong, I love Katie Price as much as the next cleavage-obsessed blogger. She’s one of my original busty British crushes. But I don’t know if she can pull off the sexy schoolgirl look anymore now that she’s in her late 30s. Sexy teacher maybe. Luckily though, that cleavage of hers pairs pretty well with anything, and on the plus side, I guess this is still better than her last few outfits . So enjoy. Photos: WENN.com Continue reading