Tag Archives: rebel-website

Chechen Rebel Leader “Doku Umarov” Was Behind In Russia Twin Suicide Bombings

Doku Umarov, Chechen rebel leader has said his group was behind the attacks on Wednesday for the twin suicide bombings on the Moscow subway and threatened more attacks in the Russian heartland, according to the Reuters reports Thursday. He said they were carried out to avenge the killings of “poor Chechens” by Russian security forces in February and warned Russia to prepare for more. In a video message posted on a Chechen rebel website, he said he had personally ordered the operation. Doku Umarov had ordered the twin suicide bombing in Moscow to “destroy infidels.”> > Read More Chechen Rebel Leader “Doku Umarov” Was Behind In Russia Twin Suicide Bombings is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading