Tag Archives: shabir-sidiqui

MORE Hilarious “Bird Box” Memes

Hilarious “Bird Box” Memes Everyone–the whole entire world, all of us–are STILL wrapped up in the hilarious “Bird Box” hysteria (thanks Netflix!) that overshadowed Christmas 2018 and sparked an inescapable meme wave that gets funnier (and pettier) by the day. All the blind people chilling while everyone else dying #BirdBox pic.twitter.com/op85GkwVic — Noah #FireRivera #BeatND (@PrimeKorver26) December 27, 2018 Hit the flip for MORE hilarious “Bird Box” memes. Continue reading

Holy S#!t: 65-Year-Old Woman In India Gives Birth To Her Second Child, Baby Daughter

Source: Paul Wright / EyeEm / Getty 65-Year-Old Woman In India Gave Birth To Daughter Ladies, if you became pregnant at age 65, what would you do? According to a report in DailyMail , an unnamed woman of the aforementioned age gave birth to a baby girl in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. The father, Hakim Din, is 80-years-old thanked Allah for their “precious gift” Dr Shabir Sidiqui described this birth as “the rarest of rare”: ‘Usually menopause sets in on an average at the age of 47 years in India. Once it sets in, there is no possibility (of giving birth). But this is a rare one,’ he said. Both mother and child are said to be in perfect health, but damn, 65 and 80 with a newborn?> Hell naw. Continue reading