Tag Archives: shapiro-laments

TF You Talmbout? Conservative Colostomy Bag Ben Shapiro Is Sad That Pro-Choice People Would “Kill” Baby Hitler

Source: The Washington Post / Getty Ben Shapiro Laments That Pro-Life People Would Abort “Baby Hitler If you don’t know who Ben Shapiro is then you’ve done an excellent job of tuning out one of the loudest and wrongest voices on the far right wing. Congratulations. Unfortunately, it’s our job to know who these d-bags are so that we can roast them when they make asinine statements. Today at the March For Life, Shapiro made an appearance to speak about how evil and terrible abortions are despite never once owning a vagina and probably hasn’t had much experience inside of them either, but we digress. Ben is SO anti-abortion (which is really just a veil to obfuscate his disdain for women, likely for the reason mentioned above, but again, we digress) that he stood in front of thousands in attendance and more watching via a live-stream to say the following: Ben Shapiro at March for Life: “The truth is no pro-life person would kill baby Hitler. Baby Hitler was a baby.” pic.twitter.com/PPgQcbWSrq — jordan (@JordanUhl) January 18, 2019 That’s right. Ben doesn’t want women to potentially kill the next maniacal and genocidal bigot via abortion. By a show of hands, how many of YOU would like women to have the legal right to 86 the next potential Hitler if they see fit? Continue reading