Tag Archives: shot-at-future

Salty Strumpet: Future’s Baby Mama Brittni Subliminally Shook He Gucci Downed Joie Chavis?

Brittni Mealy Responds To Future And Joie Chavis Romance? Things are seemingly getting thicker between Joie Chavis and rapper Future but is his baby mama sending out subliminal salt? Previously Brittni seemed to send out her lil shots toward Joie after Future laced her with a Rollie for her birthday. Brittni had posted her own Rolex. Now after Future bragged about draping Joie in Gucci, Brittni posted up her own Gucci get up, with a message attached. First look at Future’s post with Joie to refresh your memory… Now back to his baby mama…Brittni implied she was “in her feelings” with her caption, rocking the same slides Future dripped Joie in. It seems like it was a direct shot at Future and Joie. Welp, Brittni doesn’t “need” Future to buy her own Gucci loafers…Do YOU think this was aimed at Joie? Continue reading