Tag Archives: strong-violence

Thai Prime Minister Speaks Tension Towards Protesters

The Prime Minister of Thailand didn’t expect the strong violence of the protesters who used weapons towards authority. On the national television, Prime Minister Abhisit Bejjajiva made an admission a day after he rejected the call from an anti-government protesters who hopes to dissolve the country’s parliament in 30 days. Abhisit mentioned that the political opinions should be taken into consideration before any action is taken. With an estimated two dozen civilians and military personnel died since the protesters began occupying key tourism spot and shopping areas in Thailand’s capital. The demand from Thai’s anti-government protesters, known as the “Red Shirts,” was one of the strongest list issued since the group began to storm in parliament early April and that the PM declared it as a state of emergency. Red Shirt leaders offered Friday to return the negotiating table only if the government will meet their demands which includes the lifting of a state of emergency and accepting responsibilty for the deaths of protesters earlier this month. Thai Prime Minister Speaks Tension Towards Protesters is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading