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iPad: Apple’s Slate Computer

The iPad is a portable slate computer with a touch-sensitive screen and has no keyboard. Other companies like HP are working on slate computers, which are very useful for reading and watching videos. However, the Amazon Kindle has an easy-on-the-eyes-display. Just like these amazing gadgets, some people still figure out whether they still need a new touch-screen computer from Apple. Here are some answers to the common questions about the iPad, which is an Apple’s much-awaited “slate” computer. 1. What is the difference of an iPad from a laptop? The Apple iPad belongs to the slate or tablet category of portable personal computers however it is different from laptop because it doesn’t have a hardware keyboard. iPad has a touch-sensitive screen to type and to navigate the files and photos. 2. What is the difference of an iPad from an e-reader? The iPad serves like an e-reader and a personal computer as well, but there are some remarkable differences between the two. First, the iPad has a color display while the Kindle is only black-and-white. Second, the iPad displays books horizontally, with two pages showing, or it could be viewed vertically, zooming in on a single page of text; while the Kindle only works in vertical mode. Third is the access of books from different online bookstore. iPad users can purchase books from iBookstore, Apple’s new digital bookstore, which supports an open e-book format called ePub; while Kindle users are required to buy books from Amazon.com 3. If there’s no keyboard, how can you type on the iPad? The iPad’s keyboard is a graphic that pops up on the device’s touch-sensitive screen. The iPad keyboard is just about the same size as the one on the desktop. 4. What does iPad do best? The iPad is appropriately designed for providing various types of media such as reading books, browsing the Web and watching videos, and a gaming device too. Although it doesn’t have a DVD player, the user can download videos from Apple, or even stream from the Web. 5. What are the physical features of iPad? The iPad is a half-inch thick and weighs about 1 and half pounds. Its screen is 9.7 inches across. iPad: Apple’s Slate Computer is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading