Tag Archives: teacher-beating

Teacher Beating Student in Houston Caught on Video Camera

Teacher Beating Student in Houston Caught on Video. The Houston County Sheriff’s Department is investigating a report about a teacher beating up a student. It’s a question a mother doesn’t expect to get from her 13-year-old son after school: What happens to a  teacher who  beats up a  student ? Teacher beats student in Houston, caught on video……….. May 11, 2010. I think that was the teacher I had growing up without her nun habit on!!! HOUSTON – It’s a story you saw First on FOX: A charter school has fired one of its teachers A science  teacher beat a pupil around the head with a dumbbell while shouting “die, die, die”, a court heard. See the links to watch the full video of the Houston Teacher Beats Student Video caught on camera via the link Teacher Beating Student in Houston Caught on Video Camera is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Houston Teacher Beats Student Video caught on camera

The Houston County Sheriff’s Department is investigating a report about a teacher beating up a student. It’s a question a mother doesn’t expect to get from her 13-year-old son after school: What happens to a  teacher who  beats up a  student ? Teacher beats student in Houston, caught on video……….. May 11, 2010. I think that was the teacher I had growing up without her nun habit on!!! HOUSTON – It’s a story you saw First on FOX: A charter school has fired one of its teachers A science  teacher beat a pupil around the head with a dumbbell while shouting “die, die, die”, a court heard. See the links to watch the full video of the Houston Teacher Beats Student Video caught on camera via the link Houston Teacher Beats Student Video caught on camera is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

11-Foot Giant Oarfish Found Dead Along Western Coast Of Sweden

In a small fishing village Bovallstrand in western coast of Sweden, a passerby  found a giant herring that measures 11.4 feet long. The giant fish is known for its name oarfish which can grow from 8 meters up to 17 meters long.  The scientific name is regalecus glesne. The maritime museum said that it took 130 years to see that kind of specie again in their coast. Passerby Kurt Ove Eriksson said, “Down at the water, there was something big floating. At first we thought it was a big piece of plastic. But then we saw an eye. I went down to check and saw that it was this extremely strange fish,” , told daily Svenska Dagbladet. “The last time we saw a King of Herrings in Sweden was in 1879,” the House of the Sea museum in Lysekil, where the fish was taken to, said in a statement. “We don’t know much about the species,” it said, “but believe it lives in deep waters, at least 1000 meters (3280 feet) deep, and many believe it’s at the origin of the sea serpent myth,” or stories of mythological sea creatures like the Loch Ness Monster. It is now kept frozen at a museum and it might be added as an exhibit of sea monsters. 11-Foot Giant Oarfish Found Dead Along Western Coast Of Sweden is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading