Tag Archives: the-inhumane

You Gotta Relax: Van Jones Credits Kim Kardashian With Creating Prison Reform Via First Step Act [Video]

Source: E! Entertainment / Getty Van Jones Credits Kim Kardashian For Getting First Step Act Passed Van Jones’ enthusiasm for Kim Kardashian’s efforts at prison reform is somewhat understandable, but he’s taking it a bit far. TMZ caught up with CNN’s resident political analyst and he gushed about the Senate passing the First Step Act in an overwhelming 87-12 vote. The act aims to free 50,000 people from prison and end the inhumane treatment of women inmates. Make no mistake, this is very good thing. That said, you’re hard-pressed to convince us that Kim Kardashian’s meeting with Donald Trump is the sole reason this legislation passed. We’re sure she made her case while speaking to Donnie, but nah, we need receipts before we just jump out the window and give her ALL the credit. Peep what Van had to say in the video below. You rollin’ with this? Continue reading