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Lavar Ball Is Sliding Into High School Ballers’ DMs To Recruit Them For His Pro League

Alius Koroliovas/Getty Images Lavar Ball Has Interesting Tactics For Recruiting Players In December,  Lavar Ball  revealed that he was going to start his own league–The Junior Basketball Association–for high school basketball players who don’t want to take part in the NCAA. Launching Junior Basketball Association, sponsored by BBB https://t.co/07AlnN1DC5 pic.twitter.com/JFLfGxtaHB — Lavar Ball (@Lavarbigballer) December 21, 2017 In his very distinct manner, Ball mentioned that he thought it would be “easy” to convince kids to play in the JBA. He was going to give players a salaries between $3,000-$10,000 and have them play in major cities including New York, Los Angeles, and Atlanta. Apparently, this task might not have been as easy as Lavar thought. According to high school and college basketball recruiting site Tipton Edits, Ball has used social media DMs to contact approximately 80 high school players,  trying to gauge their interest in playing for his league. Unfortunately for the family man, all of the top recruits have reportedly turned him down. Two recruits in particular have put Lavar on blast for his method of going about recruiting. Tyler Herro from Wisconsin and Jalen Carey from New Jersey both posted screenshots of their DMs from Ball onto social media. Big Baller Brand has contacted Kentucky Signee Tyler Herro about joining their new basketball league, the JBA. Herro has told me he has declined the offer. pic.twitter.com/qlnPXFoLPB — TIPTON EDITS (@TiptonEdits) February 2, 2018 Here’s the picture from Jalen’s Snapchat: pic.twitter.com/FvvROFxc77 — Syracuse Basketball (@cusesigel) February 1, 2018 Lavar trying to contact these players via their DMs really isn’t that weird, but him thinking players will forgo college basketball to play in his new league just might be. Good luck to Ball in his search!   Continue reading