Tag Archives: turritopsis nutricula

Immortal Specie In The Kingdom Animalia!

(Photo: Peter Schuchert) Every creature has its own life span. But except for this very unique specie who belongs to the jellyfish family Scientist has disccovered that turritopsis nutricula or or also known as Medusa jellyfish is maybe the only creature to have discovered the everlasting fountain of youth.  This particular specie has the capability of cycling from a mature adult stage to an immature stage or the first stage of life  and back again that leads to no limit of life span. Studies in the laboratory show that Turnitopsis Medusae can really regenerate back to polyp stage but so far it has not been observed in nature due to some processes as of this moment. But most of Turnitopsis medusae fall like a victim or food to a bigger prey or succumbing to disease. Immortal Specie In The Kingdom Animalia! is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading