Tag Archives: witness-it-now

April Fools Practical Jokes – Starbuks April Fools 2010 – April Fools Prank Online

April Fools Practical Jokes – Starbuks April Fools 2010 – April Fools Prank Online – The April Fools day seems to be so funny with some people while other get annoyed with such kind of activities and jokes. As early as today, the Google change its name to Topeka, followed by a fake new item in the Google blog that a town named Topeka has been renamed to Google, and that is the Kansas. Many people got confused and enter the biggest and largest search engine thinking that they had entered the wrong site or web address. Even our favourite Starbucks Coffee participated in the April Fools Day joke today. Starbucks take this opportunity to announce their “new sizes”, wow! Starbucks says the Plenta™ (128 fl oz) and Micra™ (2 fl oz)-sized cups arrive in Starbucks stores this Fall. Are customers pulling AFD jokes on you? Or, are you pulling jokes on them? We also have 3D movies and 3D photos… Why not 3D books? Google took on the challenge, and you can witness it now. Google Books 3D is now available as a permanent beta! In an effort to save themselves $1 per minute in bandwidth costs, Youtube has launched a brand new viewing mode dubbed “TEXTp”. Displaying actual characters rather than pixels, this video mode is sure to cause seizures all around the globe. Now can you site here, what prank jokes did you encounter today in connection with the April Fools Day? April Fools Practical Jokes – Starbuks April Fools 2010 – April Fools Prank Online is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading