Tag Archives: your-stocking

Selena Gomez Is Getting Chubby

These past couple months, I’ve been loving the new and improved Selena Gomez and all the hotness she’s been dropping (and I know I’m not the only one). But I’ve gotta say, she’s looking a little chubby in these shots. I guess she had too much to eat over Christmas. So just to make sure this doesn’t get out of control, I think Selena’s New Year’s resolution should be to go on the patented Tuna exercise regimen: 30-45 seconds of cardio with yours truly 5 times a week. I’ll even give her the first couple sessions on the house as a Christmas present. Photos: PacificCoastNews Continue reading

Kat Graham Does GQ Turkey

In case you didn’t wake up to a copy of GQ Turkey in your stocking Christmas morning, don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. Because trust me, you’re not going to want to miss this shoot Kat Graham did for the magazine. We don’t see too many photoshoots from Kat, but I hope we start to get a whole lot more of them after this. And I’d be happy to volunteer to help make that happen. My phone takes great pictures. Continue reading