Suffice it to say, Ted Nugent is not among those lighting a candle for the late Cecil the Lion. Instead, he is lighting the Internet on fire. In response to those crushed by the creature’s death – and the man responsible, Walter Palmer – Nugent unleashed an epic Facebook tirade. “The whole story is a lie,” writes the rocker. “It was a wild lion from a ‘park’ where hunting is legal & ESSENTIAL beyond the park borders.” “All animals reproduce every year & would run out of room/food to live w/o hunting,” adds Ted . “I will write a full piece on this joke asap.” “God are people stupid.” Ted’s statement would be true if he were speaking about white-tailed deer in Michigan, but applying it to endangered wild cats of Africa is a stretch. Walter Palmer didn’t merely rile up Twitter by hunting Cecil, he violated laws of Zimbabwe and is cooperating with an investigation as a result. Nonplussed, avid hunter Ted claims that this country’s president eats baby elephant, thus, “Zimbabwe has their own black devil tyrant. Sucks dont it.” We are at a loss for words at this point. Pivoting back to Cecil, he ranted, “Cecil, the other white meat. Lion’s lives matter? Bulls—. Only if they are disrespected with a human name.” “Black lives matter? Bulls—.” “Apparently not in Chicago Detroit LA DC Philly Compton South Central etc etc where they are slaughtered daily with no one giving a good goddam.” “Sick dishonest hypocrite society PC from hell,” Nugent, 66, concluded with this parting shot. “Lions are a renewable resource. Go back to sleep.” As of this report, Ted has yet to pen another missive about the killing of Cecil’s brother Jericho by poachers … but it’s still early Sunday morning.
See the rest here:
Ted Nugent on Cecil: Lions Are a Renewable Resource! God You People Are Stupid!