Nathan Griffith: I Have PROOF That Jenelle Evans Beats Her Kids!

Fans of Teen Mom 2 have known for years that Jenelle Evans’ parenting is shoddy at best, abusive and criminally negligent at worst. But this past week has provided more evidence than ever before that Jenelle is unfit to raise children. It all started when Evans’ 4-year-old son Kaiser was dropped off to spend the weekend with his father, Nathan Griffith. Griffith’s mother, Doris Davidson, claims she immediately discovered several bruises on the boy. And when she asked how he got so banged up, Kaiser reportedly blamed his controversial stepfather. Griffith immediately dialled 911 to report the marks: “I received my child and he has marks all over him,” he told the dispatcher. “We asked him about it and he said David hit him with a stick.” At the end of the weekend, Nathan and Doris refused to return Kaiser to his mother, but were eventually forced to do so when an emergency CPS investigation turned up no conclusive evidence of abuse. Despite considerable protest from his father, Kaiser is now back with Jenelle and David in what his father fears is an abusive situation. But that doesn’t mean Nathan and Doris are giving up the fight. “Columbus County CPS has an open investigation on them still,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online. And Nathan says he has evidence that will convince investigators that Jenelle should be stripped of all custody and visitation rights. Insiders say Nathan took photos of five different bruises on Kaiser’s body before he returned the boy to Jenelle. It’s unclear why this evidence didn’t persuade the original investigator that the 4-year-old is being abused, but Nathan is reportedly confident that the photographs will be enough to have Jenelle stripped of all custody and visitation rights. Of course, as longtime followers of this conflict know, Nathan has been trying to have his son removed from Jenelle’s home for almost a year, thus far to no avail. The custody battle began back in September of 2017. At the time, Nathan accused both Jenelle and David of using corporal punishment that left “bruises and markings on the child that are unusual and more than normal scrapes that a toddler may have.” Nathan also accused Jenelle of smoking pot while pregnant , something that she later admitted to. Shortly after Nathan’s original documents were filed, he accused Eason of punching Kaiser on more than one occasion. Eason has denied the allegation. David recently took to Instagram to attempt to explain Kaiser’s bruising to the public: “You couldn’t ask for a better kid,” Eason wrote. “Kaiser is more active than the rest and tends to be a little clumsy but he is a bruiser and nothing stops him when he is having a good time!”  Needless to say, the comment aroused more suspicions than it allayed. It remains to be seen if Nathan is actually in possession of sufficient evidence to prove to the court that Jenelle is an unfit mother. Of course, some would say MTV already has thousands of hours of proof. Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of just how terrible a mom Jenelle really is. View Slideshow: Jenelle Evans-Nathan Griffith Custody Battle Takes Shocking Turn

See the original post here:
Nathan Griffith: I Have PROOF That Jenelle Evans Beats Her Kids!

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