Woman Tweets Airline Meet-Cute, Sparks #PlaneBae Controversy

Twitter has erupted in controversy, folks. Not over the color of a dress or the sound of a word this time, but over the right to one's privacy while on board an airplane. Earlier this month, a Twitter user named Rosey Blair was flying to Dallas when she asked a young woman if he would switch seats with her so that she could sit next to her boyfriend. The woman obliged, moving just one row up, right in front of Blair, and paving the way for a viral meet-cute. Indeed, Blair proceeded to live-Tweet the interactions and the exchanges between this man and the man who took the window next along her side, sparking an unexpected controversy across social media. Was Blair just being funny, providing a few chuckles for her followers by chronicling a pretty cool turn of events? Or was she being way creepy for invading the privacy of these individuals? Scroll down, learn more and decide for yourself. 1. Here We Do… First, Blair explained what had just transpired and what she HOPED would subequently transpire. She got followers ready for what was to come. 2. Total Flirts! It’s happening! It’s really happening! These fitness buffs hit it off before the plane even took off. 3. Vegetarians Unite! They share the same taste in food and in working out and their arms are SO close to touching. This is true love! 4. Oh, It Is TOTALLY On Now Trust us, fellas: when a woman puts her hair down, she is getting down to business. 5. So. Much. Closer. Let me just zoom in here and make a diagram so you fully understand the proximity of arms here. They are very close to each other! 6. We’re Gonna Need ALL-CAPS for This A protein board, people! They’ve zoomed past drinks and are already sharing a meal together! View Slideshow

See the article here:
Woman Tweets Airline Meet-Cute, Sparks #PlaneBae Controversy

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