If you’ve ever been to her Instagram page (and who hasn’t?) you know that Kylie Jenner and Photoshop are two great tastes that taste great together. At this point, it doesn’t even seem like Kylie is shy about the fact that her pics are frequently retouched. And why should there be any shame in her game? Kylizzle is the world’s youngest self-made billionaire (although many have taken issue with the “self-made” part of that achievement). And hey, when your every selfie goes out to an audience of 132 million (the size of Kylie’s Instagram following), it’s natural to seek out every advantage. And in many cases, it’s not Kylie or her social media manager who does the retouching. Oftentimes, it’s an overly-ambitious photo editor from a lesser-known publication. Take Kylie’s latest photo spread, for example. It’s for the Spanish-language fashion mag S. Moda , and many fans feel there’s something seriously off about Kylie’s pics. “OMG! Stop editing, you phony,” one Instagram user commented on Kylie’sm pics. “Wow, this is SO airbrushed,” another remarked. And what were the specific issues that led to these comments? Well, they varied from person to person, but two complaints seemed to be the most prevalent. Some followers took issue with Kylie’s skin tone (“She is not mexican like us STOP TRYing to tan her!” wrote one user). While others had a problem with the shape of her hand. Yes, her hand, Kylie is almost as famous for her long fingers as she is for her pouty lips. (We’re sure there are whole social media accounts devoted to creepy obsession with Kylie’s fingers, but we are not about to seek those pages out.) But apparently, a lot of folks are convinced that Kylie’s fingers are long … but not this long. It’s anyone’s guess as to why a photo editor would elongate Kylie’s fingers for effect, but a lot of people are convinced that’s exactly what happened. Fortunately, most of the commenters were eager to sing Kylie’s praises. “You’re so beautiful,” one person commented. “This is so, so, so stunning,” another remarked. “Amazing!” a third wrote. We couldn’t have said it better ourselves. View Slideshow: Kylie Jenner Officially Named Youngest Self-Made Billionaire of All-Time
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Kylie Jenner Accused of Weirdest Photoshop Fail Yet!