Source: Pool / Getty R. Kelly Charged With Almost Dozen Additional Felony Sex Crimes R. Kelly is looking at some serious prison time if prosecutors can cross their t’s and do their i’s. According to the Chicago Sun-Times , Cook County prosecutors hit Kellz with ELEVEN new felony sex crime charges. If all of their shots were to hit the bottom of the net, Robert Kelly could rot in prison for up to 30 years. The new case charges Kelly with four counts of aggravated criminal sexual assault, two counts of criminal sexual assault by force, two counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse, and three counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse against a victim between the ages of 13 to 16. All these charges stem from a January 10 incident. The four aggravated criminal sexual assault counts are all designated as Class X felonies that carry a potential sentence of up to 30 years in prison for Kelly if he is convicted. The four cases filed in February were charged as lower-level felonies that had maximum sentences of up to seven years. S#!t is getting real for ol’ boy. You love to see it.
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Put ‘Em Away! R. Kelly Faces 11 New Felony Sex Crimes That Could See Him Sentenced Up To 30 Years