Jenelle Evans to David Eason: I’ll Give You The Land If I Can Have Our Daughter!

As you've no doubt heard by now, Jenelle Evans has filed for divorce from David Eason. Now, this is Jenelle we're talking about, so there's a good chance she's lying, and this is all just a last-ditch effort to save her career. But for the time being at least, the Easons are living in separate states (Jenelle in Tennessee; David in North Carolina). And if we the version of events offered by sources close to Jenelle, she'd be perfectly happy if it stayed that way.  In fact, it seems she reportedly has no problem with allowing David to remain on the property they obnoxiously dubbed “The Land” — but only if he grants of custody of the couple's 2-year-old daughter, Ensley. Here's everything we know about this increasingly bizarre situation:   1. The Easons You probably won’t be seeing any pics like this one for a while. Jenelle and David have called it quits, and sources close to the couple say they did not part on good terms. 2. The Announcement Evans shared the news with fans last week in a surprisingly straightforward Instagram post. 3. Uncharacteristically Quiet “I’ve mostly kept off social media the last few days because I’ve been focused on making some big life decisions,” Evans began. 4. Has Any Of It Been Pretty? “I’ve lived my life on camera since I was 17 years old,” Evans continued. “And a lot of it hasn’t been pretty. But it’s been my life.” 5. Think of the Children “Like anyone else, I want what’s best for my kids, and I want to be happy,” Jenelle wrote. 6. Playing the Kid Card Yes, Jenelle is once again claiming that her kids are the heart of every decision she makes. That’s obviously not true most of the time, but it might be in this case. View Slideshow

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Jenelle Evans to David Eason: I’ll Give You The Land If I Can Have Our Daughter!

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