Jax Taylor to Be Fired From Vanderpump Rules For Homophobic Tweets?

Remember when Jax Taylor claimed to be a changed man  who had left behind the horrible, sociopathic behavior that defined the first 40 years of his life? Well, you may want to sit down for this one — it turns out the lifelong pathological liar was once again completely full of sh-t! A premiere date was announced today for Vanderpump Rules Season 8, and many fans are hoping the episodes debuting on January 7 will be Jax’s last. If you follow him on Twitter, you’re probably aware that Jax has a bit of a short temper. And by that we mean the man absolutely fills his diaper every time he’s confronted with even the most mild criticism.’ Usually, his reaction is to block whoever hurt his feel-feels and then whine to an audience of sycophants, frequently reminding his followers that they’re next on the blocklist, should they step out of line. However, this was the rare occasion in which Jax decided to actually engage with someone who committed the unforgivable sin of expressing an opinion on social media. And hoo, boy … did it turn ugly in a hurry. Interestingly, Taylor was the instigator, and when on the attack against a user named @47_mike because the guy expressed his distaste for a hockey jersey. “Does @adidashockey need some designers?” Mike tweeted. “Funny my wife said the same thing about your profile pice… Mike,”  From there, Jax escalated the situation with some truly homophobic nonsense, suggesting that his “hater” is a closeted gay man, as though that’s some sort of devastating insult: “Your type of guy who is in a frat and claims he loves women, but secretly is bending over his roommate ‘chadd’ while wearing boat shoes,” Taylor tweeted, ironically outing himself as a 40-year-old-ass man who doesn’t understand the difference between “your” and “you’re.” “20 bucks says I hit the nail on the head,” he added. As you can see, when  @47_Mike encouraged Jax to pipe down, Taylor doubled-down on the homophobia. “No frats. Again, you’re looking silly with the anti-LGBTQ tweets in 2019,” Mike replied. “My fiancee and I are getting married on our ninth anniversary next year. It’s all good over here homie. You should say less because you have a bigger audience and you look silly with the hate.” “Buddy I look a lot better than you right now. Feel sorry for that fiance of yours, how the hell did you get a female to be your beard. Poor girl,” Jax-ass tweeted back. “[Brittany Cartwright] feels bad you have a beard. And I am not talking about facial hair. Clearly,” Taylor ranted on. Twitter users were quick to respond to Taylor’s vile bigotry: “Your homophobic rant is horrible,” one person tweeted. “Pure trash. Shame on someone ‘working’ at a bar in the WeHo area spreading Anti-LGBTQ hate. Hypocrisy at its finest,” another wrote. “I have no tolerance for H8,” a third viewer tweeted. “Jax and Brittany should not be allowed to be [on Vanderpump Rules]. Lisa Vanderpump is a huge ally for the LGBT [community]. I also am a huge supporter.” As many have pointed out, this is an important moment in Lisa Vanderpump’s career as a self-proclaimed activist. Many have called her commitment to the LGBTQ+ community into question and argued that she’s done little deserve her status as an ally. Earlier this year, Vanderpump cast member Billie Lee quit the show amid controversy, claiming that as a trans woman, she encountered bigotry from the show’s cast and audience. Lisa was conspicuously silent on the matter. Hopefully, she’ll be more vocal on this latest matter. And hopefully, Jax will finally be held responsible for his foolishness. View Slideshow: Jax Taylor Gets Paid More Than the Rest of the Vanderpump Cast Because In 2018, Cruelty and Idiocy Are Virtues

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Jax Taylor to Be Fired From Vanderpump Rules For Homophobic Tweets?

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