I’ve done my research on this NATHALIA RAMOS chick the last time she brought her 19 year old tits out in a bikini…. From what I gather from my extensive understanding of girls in staged paparazzi pics, she’s trying to get herself famous, because she is busty, an aspiring actor, cuz really what girl under 25 isn’t an aspirig actor these days…..filled with dreams of fame…and approval from the masses…when all she really has to realize is that she has rich parents, doesn’t need to make it for herself, and might as well just get topless for free to make some noise because I wan to see how this shit hangs without the whole build up of doing straight to DVD roles for the next 5 years before her broken dreams and feelings of failure take her to that dark place…. I guess her young, naive, feelings that she’s got a chance are kinda cute…but I prefer a more realistic approach to this kind of shit…especially when packing tits…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK
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Nathalia Ramos in a Bikini on the Beach of the Day