Octomom Nadya Suleman is under investigation for alleged welfare fraud, according to reports, and the mother of 14 could face jail time as a result. Someone filed a complaint to the L.A. County Dept. of Welfare Fraud Prevention and Investigation (WFP&I), claiming Octo is screwing them over. It’s unclear who sold her out, but the allegation is that Suleman’s been getting various forms of welfare, including food stamps, despite earning a solid income. Nadya made nearly $200,000 in 2012. Octomom porn and all. Under California law, she can legitimately collect public assistance if she earns less than $119,000 a year, which is not as much as you think with 14 kids. Even so, if she made close to $200,000, that’s not even close. The WFP&I is conducting a probe and has already interviewed witnesses to determine if Nadya committed welfare fraud and should be prosecuted. She could be looking at three years in prison if convicted. Proving she knowingly defrauded the state could be a challenge, but we wouldn’t put anything past her, and you know all stones will be unturned.
Read the rest here:
Octomom: Investigated For Welfare Fraud!