If you want to see Ashley Benson in a bikini, showing off her body that is not all that great, which is probably why she’s only showing off from the base of the titty up in her instagram pics, you can always rent Springbreakers, the shittiest movie of the last 5 years, where all the girls looked like shit…even though it had the most hype around it, all because it attempted to show Disney Stars sluttier in movies than we are used to, which isn’t that hard, considering prior to Spring Breakers, the sluttiest any of them got was eating fucking ice cream cones or pretending to have sex with Beiber, except for that Vanessa Hudgens slut, that one got naked in horribly planned, 5 o’clock shadow nudes that were about as erotic as a doctor’s exam, and not even a good doctor’s exam… They were some Christian friendly shit and now they are this…and I don’t find it interesting, cuz once you go slutty, bikini clad, having threesomes, you never go back, you can only go forward, meaning these pics should be her gaping asshole…it’s what makes sense…bikini tops are just too fucking Disney for this one…
See the article here:
Ashley Benson in her Bikini Top of the Day